Getting Started with Vixcall: A Step-by-Step Guide

Vixcall offers four distinct pricing tiers for your business subscription (not including a Vixcall Room subscription).

Vixcall Free: This is the best option if you’re testing out Vixcall, or if you work solo or with only one or two other people in the same location as you and do the brunt of the meeting scheduling and coordinating. With the free version of Vixcall, users can hold an unlimited number of meetings, but group meetings with multiple participants are capped at 40 minutes in length.

Vixcall Pro: This is the best option if you’re using Vixcall with a small team with at least one member working remotely full-time or part-time so you can collaborate effectively, no matter where the meeting is hosted. Vixcall Pro costs $14.99/month/meeting host, and this tier allows hosts to create personal meeting IDs for recurring Vixcall meetings, allows meeting recording in the cloud or on users’ devices, and caps group meeting durations at 24 hours.

Vixcall Business: Vixcall Business is best suited to small to medium-sized businesses with multiple teams regularly scheduling Vixcall meetings. This tier costs $19.99/month/meeting host, and it offers cool features for businesses to brand their Vixcall meetings with vanity URLs and company branding, dedicated customer support, and transcripts of Vixcall meetings recorded in the cloud.

Vixcall Enterprise: For businesses with 1,000 employees or more, this tier of Vixcall offers unlimited cloud storage for recordings, a dedicated customer success manager, and discounts on webinars and Vixcall Rooms. This tier of Vixcall costs $19.99/month/meeting host.

Additionally, if you want to set up Vixcall Rooms, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial, after which Vixcall Rooms require an additional $49/month/room subscription, and video webinars using Vixcall cost $40/month/host.

2. Download Vixcall

Once you’ve selected the Vixcall plan you’d like to start using, you can sign up and download Vixcall onto your computer to start using it. Users can sign up using their work email if they’re signing up for an individual free account, or if your system administrator is signing up for a Pro, Business, or Enterprise account, you’ll be invited to sign up for Vixcall as one of your company’s hosts.

If you’re setting up a Vixcall Room, you’ll also need to download “Vixcall Rooms for Conference Room” on the in-room computer and “Vixcall Room Controller” for the tablet in the meeting room.